Aim of the Course

The B.Sc. (Mathematics) course aims to impart the students with fundamental and hands of knowledge of Mathematics. The knowledge gained in this programme, with a background of operations research and computer programming. It will be useful either to pursue higher studies in Mathematics or get a job.

Duration of the Course

Candidates for admission into B.Sc. (Mathematics) Degree Course for minimum period of three years duration spread over six semesters. The maximum duration to acquire prescribed number of credits in order to complete the Programme of Study shall be twelve consecutive semesters(six years)

Eligibility for Admission

Candidates for admission into B.Sc. (Mathematics) Degree Course shall be required to have passed Higher Secondary Certificate Examination conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu or CBSE or other equivalent examination acceptable to the Pondicherry University with Mathematics/Business Mathematics/Computer Science as one of the subjects of study.

Age Limit

Candidates for admission into B.Sc. (Mathematics) Degree course must have completed 17 years as on 15th July for the Academic Year. Should be below 21 years of age as on 1st July. In the case of physically handicapped, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates, the age relaxation for three years.

Medium of Course

The medium of instruction is English Language.
Sl.No Name of the Course Per Semester fee Student Intake
1 Bachelor of Mathematics 60

Mode of Payment of Fees

  1. The fee can be paid by means of Demand Draft/Cheque drawn in favour of “ SRI VIDYANARAYANA EDUCATIONAL TRUST, Puducherry, payable at Puducherry and money transfer through net banking facilities also provided.
  2. Postal orders, Money orders ,and cash payments will not be accepted.

Course of Study

Students will apply the scientific knowledge acquired in class rooms and laboratory in real- life situations and work environment The course of study for B.Sc (Mathematics) Degree shall comprise
  • Language – I
  • English – I
  • Theory of Equations and Trigonometry
  • Differential Calculus
  • Introduction to Public Administration
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