Admission Procedure
- The eligibility and the syllabus for various programs are subject to changes as and when revised by Pondicherry University
- Only Online Applications from eligible candidates will be considered for admission.
- Application form and Prospectus can be had from the College Office by making on line payment of Rs.500/-.
- Applicants should go through the Prospectus and eligibility criteria for admission before filling -up the on line application form.
- The filled in on line application form may also be submitted to the office directly or sent through registered post addressed to The Chairman/ Principal, Aditya Institute of Management, Science and Research-(AIMSR) (Samarth Campus) Konerikuppam, Koodapakkam Post, Puducherry 605 to reach on or before the last date specified.
- Applicants and their parents/guardians shall be solely responsible for the declarations made in the application. If, at any time, it is found that an application is incorrect or inaccurate or incomplete, and false information of the student shall forfeit his/her seat.
- Interview Card/E- mail announcing the time and date of counseling will be sent only to those provisionally selected for admission to the course applied for.
- The provisionally selected candidate will have to present himself/herself along with his/her parent/guardian for counseling on the date and time mentioned in the interview card/e-mail.
- The students are advised to retain a sufficient number of copies of original certificates before submitting the originals.
- The provisional admission will be automatically cancelled if the candidate fails to turn up for the counseling.
- Selected students must pay the fees immediately after the counseling, if admission is confirmed by the authority. No Extension of time will be allowed for payment of fees under any circumstances.
The students can get the full fee refunded on getting admission to other colleges provided, they leave the institution before the commencement of the first- year classes.
A fee of Rs.2500/- (Two Thousand Five Hundred only) will be deducted from the fees and the rest of the fee will be refunded, if left within two days from the commencement of first-year classes. In case of discontinuance after that, no fees will be refunded to the candidate.
Students leaving the College in the middle of the academic year shall have no right to claim a refund of any portion of the fees remitted at the time of admission.
A candidate once enrolled for a course is expected to complete the same. They may not withdraw from the college without informing the Principal in writing. He/she will be liable to pay fees for the whole of that academic year.